Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18

Today I went to hot yoga early with my roomie, Skye Fort. It was fun waking her up early and making her work out with me :) My intentions for the day were to remain positive and I've been trying really hard to keep that up all day! It was nice going back to school and seeing all my wonderful theatre friends, and my first class of the semester was with the fabulous Brian Herrera. So far I am feeling optimistic about the semester, even though I've only had one class!

I also met up with Kurt today to talk about possibilities for keeping me in this challenge. I hope, of course, to be singing again before January is over, but I want to be realistic and I fear that I wont be able to complete all of the requirements for the competition. We talked about a few things and will share them once the plan is "finalized".

Daily Practice Session

Today I watched part two of the Broadway documentary I started yesterday ( I think there are 6 parts, I could be wrong though) It went back in a time a little bit and started in 1919. This part of the documentary covered less but in more detail (does that make sense?) There was at least 25 minutes devoted to Al Jolson, who was a russian jewish immigrant performer who was self-proclaimed as the greatest performer ever. He worked primarily in black-face, but didn't use this as a vessel for racism, but rather as a mask to hide his insecurities and really "let himself go", everyone on the documentary said that his performances were very moving.

The other big chunk of the documentary was dedicated to George and Ira Gershwin and started to talk about Rogers and Hart. I love learning about these composers and hearing about their process, especially after taking music appreciation. I wonder how people can hear new melodies, and harmonies and what would sound good where. It's just fascinating to me.

Today I was inspired to remain positive. Broadway is the American Dream, and I can't lose mine just because I'm having a bad week.

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