Thursday, December 30, 2010

30 Day Full-Voice ABQ

This is my blog to document my progress on the Full-Voice 30 Day Challenge. This is a very exciting opportunity and I am so happy to see so many of my friends are getting in on the fun!

The 30 Day Challenge is a contest for singers in Albuquerque. For 30 days we must follow a very strict set of rules that will inevitably make us all better singers. If we endure the 30-day period, we have a chance to win a trip to NYC and a whole bunch of other neat stuff (TBA).

The Rules:
  • Take 4 private voice lessons
  • Get 2 vocal coaching sessions
  • Take 10 yoga or dance classes
  • Eat 25 healthy meals
  • Learn a new song
  • Perform Live
  • Watch a live performance
  • Practice at least 30 minutes a day
  • Do something good for my community
Everything I do for this contest will be posted here and linked to my facebook page. It is going to be a tough month but luckily I have enlisted the support of five fabulous individuals; Skye Fort (roommate), Diana Delgado (roommate), Kenneth Carnes (boyfriend/roommate), Kristen Buckels (friend/yoga buddy) and Gilbert Sanchez (friend).

As much as I would love to win the grand prize, this month is also purely for ME. Who knows, perhaps it's the YMCA Ragger inside of me (google it!), but I find it necessary to set my own personal goals for the month.

My Goals
  • To become a stronger singer (increase my range, strengthen my breath support)
  • To become physically stronger and lose 10lbs (hey- gotta start somewhere!)
  • To budget my time wisely (school, singing and my health)
It is typical of me to make lofty goals for myself, and I find myself becoming bogged down in one area of my life so everything else falls to pieces. The first thing I give up on is always my health. I decide that if I'm too tired after doing everything else that I "don't have time" to go to the gym or cook at home. This has been detrimental to my health. Having a doctor tell you to lose 100lbs is (and should be) a big wake up call for a person! I want to do it all, and I hope that this month I will be able to prove to myself that it is possible to continue to work towards a better voice, better grades and a better body for the long run!

Wish me luck!