Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10

yeesh- 10 days already? That means I only have 20 more to go! And there is still so much to do!
Real quick, a health update:

Went to the doctor today. Although he is convinced that my chronic laryngitis is due to acid reflux and that I should wait 3 months for my medication to prove itself, I stood my ground and told him that I am a singer and it is important for me to be able to sing and speak to my full ability now. He then gave me a referral to an ENT. Tomorrow I am going to make an appointment with the ENT.
- Additionally, I have lost 5 lbs since my last doctors visit wooooo!

Daily Practice Session

Technical Concepts - Gentle self-warm up. Humming, lip trills, simple scales and breathing exercises.

Minutes - 25

Repertoire - God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood, a little bit of Hairspray

Minutes – 30

Successes – God Bless the USA is one of those songs that I don't necessarily have to be fabulous at for it to still be effective in the manner in which I am presenting it. I feel that even if my voice isn't 100% come performance time (spoiler alert!) that it will still be hilarious.

Areas for improvement – I did a very mild form of Hairspray today, just to keep it in my system. it turns out that my "tracy voice" takes a lot more effort than my body was willing to do today.

Notes: Blegh

Dance/Personal Fitness

Date/time - 1/10/11, 6:30am

Type of class – Hot Vinyasa

Difficulty Level - All levels

Studio and Instructor – Blissful Spirits Hot Yoga with Nicole Velasquez

What did you most enjoy? – Today I was closer to the mirror and was able to see the lines of my body better. This was good because I was able to adjust accordingly- also I loved all the sweat! (sounds gross, but it's true!)

What did you find challenging and why? – Nicole is another new teacher, and her class was way more abs based! My core is super weak so this was challenging and really good for me! My shoulders are feeling it too.

Observations – The coolest part about the yoga today was when I woke up I could barely speak. Even when I got to class this morning my voice was really gross, but after class I sounded almost normal! It was truly amazing, just another sign that I need to be doing this every day.

Me, Buckels and our tiny/in the shadows yoga instructor!

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